vrijdag 17 juni 2016

Next walking seminar: 22 July

Come to our next edition of the walking seminar, with the theme 'Negative appraisals'

The next walking seminar will be on Friday July 22nd from 12:00 o’clock (Note: this is an hour earlier than ususal – we are hoping to take a long walk through the dunes) until early evening.

This walking seminar will be devoted to the question how to handle our own negative appraisals of situations we encounter in the field.

You may think that some people in your field of research find themselves in dire situations. There are structural problems. You may also think that some people in your field research mean well but do things that are bad (ill considered, nasty, counterproductive, what have you). You may think that some people in your field of research are abusive in one way or another. You encounter practices that, in one way or another, you consider to be/go wrong. What to do? Articulate criticism; suggest improvements; file complaints? Step back and refrain from judgements? Seek others within the field, who voice your negative appraisals for you?

And where to do these things, for which audiences?

And how does this ‘being negative’ in your writings relate to the effort that the people in the field may have put into your research; to the welcome they offered you; to the relations you established with them? 

If you would like to join us on this edition then please sign up before July 15th by sending an email to Annelieke at a.e.driessen@uva.nlAnnelieke will make a list of walkers and provide those on the list with further information on the route.